Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Morning After

Boy howdy, did the man and I sleep in this morning! Might have had to do with staying up late, but it was sure easy to ignore that sunlight pouring in the bedroom window.
He made us a delicious, hearty, country breakfast, with sliced potatoes, onions, tomatoes, JDean sausage and eggs, while I took my shower.
Thanks, N!
Then we motored out to run some errands.
The gas station part of Costco wasn't backed up like the past 4 days, but inside was just as busy. That human blend of impatient shoppers and clueless browsers, that make you (and you're sure you don't fall into either category) feel like you are taking your life into your hands whenever you pull out into an empty space to venture forward to your next task.
Fran's working on dinner and N's out installing new eave vents. The prep before the roof.

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